Coming Soon: Spaghetti Junction (2022) – Reviewed

March 23, 2022

‘Connections are an integral part of being human.  As we traverse the byways of family, friendship, love, and loss, our memories and those whom we choose to surround ourselves with become both armor and weapon against the dangers that time will inevitably bring to our thresholds.  Kirby McClure’s debut feature film, Spaghetti Junction is a neo-gothic fable that deftly blends feverish imagery with heartbreaking truths to present an unforgettable story in the heart of the American South. Featuring a talented ensemble, crisp imagery, and an ambiguous exploration of bereavement, this is one of the first genuine surprises of the year.

August, a young girl recently disabled in a tragic accident, is navigating a family that is dying and a new life she never asked for.  After a cosmic encounter, she begins a journey with a mysterious stranger, hoping to find answers and a sense of peace while even stranger forces conspire against her and her newfound companion.’

Directed by Radical Friend, read the full review by Kyle Jonathon on The Movie Sleuth.